Welcome to Kita’sList, a comprehensive and inclusive directory connecting consumers with various Black-owned businesses, nonprofits, Black professionals and other Black entities. Kae Infotech Consulting and Services (“us”, “we”, or “our”) owns and operates KitasList.com (the “Site”, the “Service”). Please carefully read and understand the following Terms of Use, applicable to all forms of Kita’sList, including web and mobile versions and applications.

  1. This terms of use document is a legally binding contract between you and KitasList.com. KitasList.com includes all past, existing and future forms of the application (such as but not limited to KitasList.com, mobile for tablet, phone apps, etc.). KitasList may be referred to in this document as “we” and “us”.
  2. Consumers and users are used interchangeably and refer to anyone using or accessing KitasLIst. Consumers and users may also be referred to in this document as “users” and “you”.
  3. If you disagree with any portion of this terms of use, immediately discontinue use of KitasList and delete your account.
  4. By continuing to use this product, you agree to the terms of service as if you have physically signed and accepted this agreement.
  5. The terms include this document and all other policies such as but not limited to data, refund, etc. and are hereby incorporated by reference. You can review these policies in the Policies menu displayed at the bottom of pages on this site or here:
  6. By continuing to use KitasList, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age and legally able to enter this agreement. If you are NOT at least 18 years of age and legally able to enter this agreement, immediately discontinue use of KitasList and delete your account.
  7. KitasList is a directory, i.e., a list of organizations and individuals, hereby referred to as entities. You conduct business and interact with any and all of these entities at your own risk. We have not vetted or verified any of the entities in any way. We offer no guarantee or warranty that any of the entities are who they purport to be, or are fit for any particular purpose. We are not a party to any communication, transaction, interaction or otherwise you may conduct with any entity in this directory. Should you have any issue with any entity in this listing, you will need to resolve such issue directly with the entity. While KitasList will not enter any such disputes, you are certainly free to leave a review of the entity. Your review may be removed if we, in our sole discretion, deem it extreme or inappropriate or detrimental to our business. If you are the recipient of such a review, we may, in our sole discretion, remove your account. Removal of a review or account does not constitute entry into the dispute. Our decisions and actions will focus on what is best for KitasList.
  8. Law Enforcement: We cooperate with all law enforcement and will provide any information requested about you, your business, interactions with KitasList and interactions with any other members of the site and directory. This includes names and addresses as well as any other data including any and all personally identifiable information.
  9. User Content:
    • Conduct: All interactions on KItasList should always be professional, polite and respectful. We have zero tolerance for inappropriate, disrespectful, violent or hateful speech or actions. We will in our sole discetion determine if such behavior meets the threshold to be characterized as such. Accounts engaging in such conduct will be deleted without refund.
    • Media: You represent and guarantee that you have the legal right to use any pictures, videos, logos or other media uploaded KitasList. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold KitasList blameless against any claims arising from user-uploaded content. In the event of a claim, your account may be removed without refund.
    • Links and URLs: You agree you are responsible for any links you provide on KitasList. You agree to vet any links, websites or other URLs you provide on KitasList to make sure they are what they represent themselves to be and they are free of malicious content. You agree that adding a link that contains malicious content or actions, such as but not limited to phishing, hacking, virus introduction causes our business and business partners irreparable harm and that there is no monetary limit to such harm. You agree you are responsible for such harm both legally and financially as if you had performed such actions yourself. You agree to accept fault and blame in any litigation, arbitration or negotiation proceeding or claim arising from this circumstance. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold KitasList blameless in such instances.
  10. Listings we accept: We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse any listings. We do not accept listings of a sexual or pornographic nature, listings involving or connected to illegal activities or products or listings that violate US federal laws. Any pictures or other media must be of a modest nature and not revealing or sexually suggestive. In most instances, we prohibit the likenesses of minors in our directory, with the exception of products such as toys, clothing and baby products.
  11. Marketing: By using or accessing KitasList you agree to receive marketing, promotional or business  messages from us, other Kitaslist users and our business partners.
  12. Random audits: If you place a listing on KitasList, you may be randomly audited. The audit will attempt to prove you are you purport to be. If the audit is unable to successfully verify an entity, such entity will be suspended or removed from the site without refund. Such entity may be reinstated, in our sole discretion, upon successful audit.
  13. Litigation: By using or accessing KitasList you agree not to sue in any instance for any reason whatsoever. However, if you try to do so anyway, you agree that any legal dispute is governed by the laws of the state of New Jersey and that any legal proceedings must be filed in and take place in the New Jersey county of our choosing. Should courts determine this clause is unenforceable, you agree any legal remedy you have against KitasList is limited to the unused portion of any paid service. If you have not paid for any KitasList services, you agree you are not entitled to any financial relief whatsoever against KitasList and that your case must be thrown out of court.
  14. Refund policy: KitasLIst works hards to keep our services reasonably priced and makes coupons available on a regular basis, thus KitasList does not give refunds. However, on a case by case basis, we may consider transfer of your service from one type of listing package to another on a prorated time and money basis.
  15. Contacting us: Click the “Contact” link at the bottom of every page and use the form on the website to contact us. We will respond as soon as possible. Our goal is always to give exceptional customer service.
  16. All parts of KitasList are copyrighted. By using or accessing KitasList, you agree not to build, suggest or collaborate on any competitive product.
  17. Violation of these terms may result in removal from KitasList without refund.
  18. By accessing and using or accessing KitasList, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, refrain from using or accessing our services.
  19. Kita’sList reserves the right to modify or update these Terms of Use at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for changes. Continued use of KitasList after the posting of changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.
Last Updated: January 23, 2024

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