The Vision

Kita’s List has one simple goal: connect all aspects and corners of the Black American economy so that Black people can buy from Black-owned businesses and the dollars we spend are recycled multiple times within the community. One day we will wake up in a Black-owned property, eat food bought from a Black farmer at a Black-owned grocery store, dress in clothes and shoes designed by a Black designer and bought at a Black-owned retailer, visit our Black physicians while driving a car bought from a Black salesperson at a Black-owned car dealership, followed by dinner at a Black-owned restaurant and return home to purchase items online from Black social media influencers and Black-owned websites. Kita’s List is how we start.

The Niche

Our niche is that we are much more than Black-owned businesses. We include medical, business and other professionals such as salespersons, street fare such as food trucks and licensed street vendors. We also include jobs, events and real estate. If you want to put information about you or your business in front of the eyes of Black people, please join Kita’s List! We aim to leave no stone unturned and include every aspect relative to the Black economy. If you are Black and selling, we want to know about it and we want you to list on

By the way, we know there are other Black-owned business directories out there. We are not competing with them and invite them to join Kita’s List, too. Each has a niche and the universe is plentiful enough for all of us.

The Facts

Did you know Black people spend over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS a year?. According to CNBC, in 2021 black consumers spent 1.6 trillion dollars. reported in 2021 that the collective buying power of Black consumers is “more money than Spain, Mexico, Netherlands, Turkey, or Switzerland generate annually“. Forbes quotes these figures from Investoperdia’s 2022 rankings of world econmies. According to the list, Black consumer 2021 spending is the 11th largest economy in the world, competitve with Australia and South Korea’s 2022 numbers at 1.68 and 1.67 trillion respectively. Nielsen says we move markets in certain consumer categories, punching above our weight class and spending in percentages above our 14% of the population. Other than essentials (you already knew this but the data is so delicious), we love to look good and smell good: “African Americans make up 14% of the U.S. population but have outsized influence over spending on essential items such as personal soap and bath needs ($573 million) … Luxury, non-essential products such as women’s fragrances ($151 million of a $679 million industry total), watches and timepieces ($60 million of $385 million in overall spending) and even children’s cologne ($4 million out of $27 million)”.


Kita’s List seeks to exploit that same 1.6 trillion dollars to the advantage of Black people by providing a place that the Black community can find and connect with Black-owned EVERYTHING.

The Call To Action

If the Black community as a collective directs money we are already spending to support Black businesses, Black professionals, Black nonprofits and Black social media, Kita’s List believes this is the key to support, strengthen and sustain the Black community. We created this website as a place where any Black American involved in any aspect of the BlackAmerican economy has a place to list their business, list themselves as a brand, set themselves up for networking, and search for Black-owned businesses. We want the Black community to be intentional with spending. Every time you intend to spend, search Kita’s List first. We like to say “Before you buy, give Kita’s List a try.”. At first there won’t be many hits because we are still building the database. However, please be patient and keep checking! As the site becomes more well known, you will find more and more of what you need through Kita’s List, which only helps the Black American community. 

We believe that recycling the same dollars multiple times through our community is reinvestment to support, strengthen and sustain the Black community and lead to an increase in Black wealth. Whether you are a restaurateur or wellness coach, insurance agent or influencer, entertainer or educator; if you have jobs you want to put in front of the eyes of Black people, properties for sale or rent, or wish to announce an event, there is a place for you to list on Kita’s List. Please join us.

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